Rich & Entitled

I was recently told by a few young architects that I seemed "Rich and Entitled".  First off we should note that I do NOT like the word - entitled.  Unfortunately our current society lives off of that term.  My simple response was, "Well then you know NOTHING about me."

Am I rich? Absolutely - I am more RICH with LOVE than they will ever be! 

I have a feeling that they think somebody has handed them a bad deal, and when others are HAPPY and look SUCCESSFUL, they want to pull you down and make you feel bad.  They're in the same boat of millions of others. However, YOU make your choices everyday, NOT the government, NOT the economy, NOT even your boss.  If you're mad at any of those people for not paying you enough, you're mad at the wrong person.  

The difference between those who will make it, and those who will remain broke is simple: those who will stay broke (whether with money, love, friends, health, spirit, etc.) will think they deserve it and expect it to be given to them without first having to give anything of themselves.  Those who will make it and enjoy a wonderFULL life, will work hard and inspire others to do the same.  

I sacrifice TV everyday, I don't listen to the radio, or eat fast food, or even spend time with people who are super negative all the time. Instead, I read books, listen to inspirational/educational audios, attend seminars, travel, eat healthy, and spend my time with those who I love the most & teach others to do the same.  

It's your choice, decide each day how YOU want to LIVE. 


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