Setting Goals & Taking Action

Most people think when the New Year comes around, that is the only time that you should be setting goals for yourself.  However, from my experience, there is no way to reach your goals if you only think about them once and never focus on what it's going to take to achieve them.  Typically everyone sets a "New Year's Resolution", and then forget to follow through.  
Goal Setting isn't just for businesses or Entrepreneurs; goal setting is a key part of everyone's success. Whether you're setting goals to lose weight, earn more money at your job, create a retirement plan, pay off your student loans or even to set up a family vacation, it's important that you set a goal and take action right away! 

A few simple steps can help you remain focused on your goals and start achieving what you want in life! For example, everyday night I write out my goals on a legal pad, and everyone morning I read them again.  If you're not reading, writing, or hearing your goals DAILY, you won't stay on track to obtaining those goals.  

1. Start by making a list of goals that you want to achieve over the next 3 months, 6 months and even 1 year. I like to set short term goals to help me stay focused and reach those targets. I recommend setting Personal, Family, and Business Goals.  
2. Next, start creating an Action Plan to achieve the above goals! (This is a critical step that A LOT of people don't do)  Determine what you have to do each month, week, and ultimately each day, to reach your end goal.
3. Start Taking Action right away! Don't procrastinate, schedule out what you need to do, and start taking the necessary actions to complete your daily tasks.  
4. Stick to your Action Plan and YES, this IS going to mean that you have to give up some things temporarily (Like your favorite TV show, going out for drinks every night with your friends, or even not making every bowling night this season).  But don't forget why you are giving these things up - to reach your goals! 
5. Reach your Goals! Congratulations, you didn't just DREAM about what you WISH your future would look like.  You wrote an action plan, took MASSIVE action towards your goals, and stuck with it! Now it's time to set bigger goals!!

You'll soon see the "Priorities" in your life by the actions that you take.  
"Dreams don't work, unless YOU do." 

Progress, Not Perfection. - GS


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