The Big Social Media Debate - Quality vs Quantity

Do I try to create A LOT of content all the time, everywhere, OR do I just post a few really deep / thoughtful pieces of content that are sure to bring value and spark conversation? This can be a big debate for someone just starting out on social media or even someone who has limited time.

On one hand, it’s extremely important to create QUALITY content for your audience in order to create value that will engage people to want to come back and learn more from you in the future. However, if you only post one insightful Facebook post per month, you really shouldn’t expect that you are going to grow a massive following on social media and create inbound leads for your business / platform. 

You need BOTH.

I’m sorry that this probably isn’t the answer you were hoping for. You may have thought you could just jump on the social media bandwagon and not have to make any big changes to your marketing strategy. Actually, that couldn’t be further from the truth.  Although, you may not need to completely overhaul your strategy, you ARE going to need to learn some new skills / strategies.

If you’re looking to create an engaged community of social media and reach many people quickly, you will need to dedicate some time…or outsource some of this work.

Spoiler alert – Consistency is typically the one challenge that everyone has to overcome (like any marketing strategy). We’ve heard many business owners express this concern and feel that they have to create all of this thoughtful content from scratch. In coming weeks, we will share tips on how to create content with EASE.


Yes, you actually need to set a goal for what you hope to accomplish on social media.  You’re strategy in your first 12 months might include simply developing a promotion to connect your existing clients / past customers to your social media page. Running an offline campaign (in your store, restaurant, etc.) or an email campaign / website campaign offering a coupon / raffle in exchange for having them LIKE / REVIEW your page is a great place to start. From there, it’s important to roll out social media as a part of your daily / weekly communication with your customers.

Use social media as a tool to ENGAGE with your clients / audience, not to simply plaster your wall with interesting stuff.  Don’t expect everyone to BUY from you. Instead, create an environment that everyone wants to participate and share his or her thoughts.

Although methods will continue to change, the principals rarely do.

Treat your followers as if they were sitting across from you, they are REAL people. Show them that you CARE about them and truly appreciate them following / connecting with your page. Try NEW things, have FUN, and most importantly be YOU.


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